Sandeep Gupta – B2B and SaaS SEO Consultant

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The Drama Paradise

Case Study - The Drama Paradise

The Drama Paradise is a Blogging website that posts reviews, recommendations, and news about Korean dramas (K-dramas). 

The website was founded in 2021 by two fans of K-dramas. After 1 Year of continuous struggle with no traffic, They approached me to drive traffic to their site and improve their ROI.


  • No Organic Traffic
  • Poor Site Structure
  • Low Site Authority
  • No Keyword Targetting/Strategy
  • Technical Issues
  • High Bounce Rates


  • First We Did Technical SEO for the site 
  • We Changed Site Theme to Improve the Site structure
  • Did Off-page SEO to Gain Authority
  • Targetted keywords to suit the audience’s needs
  • Doing all of this Reduced Bounce Rates
  • Which Resulted in High Organic Traffic

Growth in Organic Traffic From SERP and receiving 179x times the traffic as compared to previous results

Case Study - The Drama Paradise
Case Study - The Drama Paradise

Winning Featured Snippets as Well as Ranked #1 On Google

Case Study - The Drama Paradise
Case Study - The Drama Paradise
Case Study - The Drama Paradise

Moreover, the website now gets featured in the Discover section and News Center on Google.

Case Study - The Drama Paradise

The Project Ended on July 2023.